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6.3" Bee House - Chaff and Bamboo 6.3" W x 5.5" Deep x 4.7" H

Crafted from Chaff and Bamboo, The Bee House is a standout product from the Earthy Sustainable line. This line creatively repurposes agricultural waste, blending it with resin to prevent it from being burned and releasing CO2. By utilizing discarded parts of commercial crops,

Earthy Sustainable creates durable products that can withstand frost and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. These bee houses have a lifespan of 2-3 years and measure 6.3" wide, 5.5" deep, and 4.7" high.

Pro Tip: Simply hang this bee house from a tree or use one of our multi-purpose wall hooks. 

A Note from the Bees: Please place this house at least 3 feet above the ground, in full sun, and have a southward-facing entrance.

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